Helping the Army Protect Species At Risk on the Big Island

CEMML is helping to sustain populations of rare species that are not federally-protected but are considered Species at Risk (SAR) by the Department of Defense (DoD). Managing SAR is a DoD priority because it can reduce the chances that additional species are listed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as Threatened or Endangered. A […]

March 8, 2021

Supporting Environmental decision making in Alaska since 1992

Responsible for over 1.6 million acres of Army-managed land, CEMML helps military leaders at Fort Wainwright make the best environmental decisions for the long-term preservation of the vast natural and cultural resources on their active training lands. The depth and breadth of CEMML’s work at Fort Wainwright requires equally extensive collaborative efforts. In the last […]

September 25, 2020

Warner College Appoints Reymundo Chapa Executive Director of Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands

CSU’s Warner College of Natural Resources recently appointed Reymundo Chapa as executive director of CEMML. Chapa served as interim executive director for a year leading up to the appointment and served as associate director of cultural resources at CEMML prior to that.

September 23, 2020

CEMML personnel within the Wildland Fire Branch battle fire season despite COVID-19

CEMML teams across the country work with the Air Force’s Wildland Fire Branch to respond to wildfires, pandemic or not. CEMML wildland fire leads Frank Gibbs and Jon Glover weigh in on the challenges of fighting fires in Florida, Alaska, and beyond in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

July 20, 2020

Beale Air Force Base is the new monarch butterfly hotspot with the help of CEMML biologist

For CEMML biologist Chadwick McCready, what started as an observation and a river bank restoration project, led to the discovery of 10 monarch breeding sites on Beale and the creation of a series of pollinator gardens to aid in the butterfly’s annual migration.

July 14, 2020

CEMML watershed management biologists conduct stream habitat survey at Fort McCoy

CEMML Watershed Management Biologists recently conducted a stream habitat survey at Fort McCoy in Wisconsin. Data collected in the survey will be used to determine how a culvert should be placed, whether stream restoration is necessary, and how well fish are surviving in the habitat.

May 21, 2020

CEMML Staff Earn USFWS Military Conservation Partner Award as part of Fort McCoy Natural Resources Team

The Fort McCoy Directorate of Public Works Environmental Division Natural Resources Branch, of which CEMML staff play an important role, was recently awarded the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Military Conservation Partner Award, which recognizes significant natural resources management achievements by military installations.

March 19, 2019

CEMML Helps Fort McCoy Win DoD Environmental Award

The Fort McCoy Natural Resource Branch (NRB) – which includes several CEMML research and field professional – was selected as the “Best Natural Resources Conservation Team” by the Secretary of the Army earlier this year. On the heels of that award, this same team won the top 2016 DoD Secretary of Defense Environmental Award for Natural Resources! CEMML is an integral […]

August 5, 2016