HigherEdJobs highlights CEMML in interview with Executive Director

When people think about careers in higher education, they may not know that there are centers like CEMML that focus on providing services like environmental management and historic preservation. To take a peek inside this unique side of employment within higher ed, HigherEdJobs spoke with CEMML Executive Director, Barker Fariss about his background and CEMML’s work.

July 18, 2024

From geography to financial management­­­ — a CEMML principal investigator changes careers at CSU

As part of CEMML, Shannon Voggesser spent the last 18 years working with maps. Most recently as principal investigator and head of its GIS team. During her career with CEMML, she discovered an interest in the finance and budgeting side of her work. In June, she transferred those skills over to CSU’s Office of Engagement and Extension where she now supports project managers as the grant and special funds manager.

July 21, 2023

Air Force-CEMML partnership seeks to reduce aviation risks associated with wildlife

A partnership between the Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands (CEMML) and the Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC) is developing an application to help Air Force installations understand wildlife population densities and behavior patterns. The effort aims to prevent wildlife associated aircraft incidents—collectively known as Bird/Wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard, or BASH.

February 16, 2023

Supporting Environmental decision making in Alaska since 1992

Responsible for over 1.6 million acres of Army-managed land, CEMML helps military leaders at Fort Wainwright make the best environmental decisions for the long-term preservation of the vast natural and cultural resources on their active training lands. The depth and breadth of CEMML’s work at Fort Wainwright requires equally extensive collaborative efforts. In the last […]

September 25, 2020

CEMML Assists Air Force Civil Engineer Center with New GIS Program

The Air Force Civil Engineer Center’s Environmental GIS Program, in partnership with the Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands (CEMML), collects, develops and maintains spatial data supporting Air Force environmental programs. The effort standardizes 70 environmental GIS data layers across Air Force installations worldwide.

July 29, 2020