Responsible for over 1.6 million acres of Army-managed land, CEMML helps military leaders at Fort Wainwright make the best environmental decisions for the long-term preservation of the vast natural and cultural resources on their active training lands. The depth and breadth of CEMML’s work at Fort Wainwright requires equally extensive collaborative efforts.
In the last five years, the Center’s embedded researchers and land managers in biology and archaeology produced numerous peer-reviewed publications, reports, conference presentations, and outreach projects in support of the complex environmental mission at Fort Wainwright. This linked document provides a partial snapshot of the cutting edge-research and applications that CEMML experts have brought to bear at the “Home of the Arctic Warrior” from 2015 to the present.
CEMML has been partnering with the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Department of Defense in the interior of Alaska since 1992 in tasks that include vegetation mapping, endangered species and protection, invasive species management, artifact curation and/or restoration, military-tribal consultation and coordination, and evaluation of cultural resources.