Liz Neipert Takes on NMFWA President’s Role
Elizabeth (Liz) Neipert’s career in DoD natural resources started in 2008. She currently works for Colorado State University’s (CSU) Center for Management of Military Lands (CEMML) as a Wildlife Research Associate assigned to the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) in Vicksburg, MS. Her duties include planning and implementing wildlife monitoring and habitat management projects on DoD lands nationwide that assist in supporting the military mission, as well as collaborating with ERDC scientists in carrying out R&D investigations to solve problems for the military and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Liz’s 5+ years of experience as a Wildlife Biologist/Natural Resources Specialist at USAG Fort Wainwright’s Donnelly Training Area (DTA), Alaska provided her with extensive insight on the management and monitoring requirements of DoD training and testing land. Her duties allowed her to work with diverse and varied fauna including game, song, and shorebirds, anadramous fish, Dall sheep, bison, and bats. She gained a deep understanding of how to balance the DoD mission with stakeholders from federal, state, and local agencies, special interest groups, tribal groups, and the public, while maintaining focus on the environment. She understands the importance of agency coordination when dealing with federal initiatives, working side-by-side with range managers and unit leadership.
Since joining the National Military Fish & Wildlife Association (NMFWA) she has been heavily involved, serving as Vice-President, the NMFWA Working Group Coordinator, and previously serving as a Western Regional Director. She assisted in the formation of a NMFWA Bird Conservation Working Group, which will liaison with the DoD Partners in Flight Steering Committee, to ensure all avian conservation and mission-relevant issues are being addressed at installations. She believes that DoD has the opportunity to be a leader in natural resource conservation and stewardship and that NMFWA offers the perfect platform for such initiatives. She is excited about the opportunity to serve this group of professionals and raise awareness about NMFWA and the exceptional work its members do.