Presented by Nikhil Narahari (CEMML) at the National Military Fish and Wildlife Association’s 2019 annual meeting and training workshop. The US Army’s Pōhakuloa Training Area (PTA) on the Island of Hawaii comprises a complex mosaic of dryland plant communities, substrates, elevations, and microtopographies. The resultant varied habitats support 26 federally listed threatened and endangered species, some exceedingly rare. To off-set military training related impacts, the PTA Natural Resources Office (NRO) conducts a variety of management actions including the control of invasive plants, monitoring populations of listed species, and the construction of large conservation fence units to protect habitats from non-native ungulates. With over 15,000 hectares to manage within conservation fence units, and given the complexity of habitats and management projects, it is essential to develop and incorporate the latest and best spatially-explicit data technologies to efficiently and effectively meet statutory and regulatory requirements. To this end, the PTA NRO has adopted the use of ESRI’s ArcGIS mapping and analytics platform. Through the use of mobile and desktop applications such as Collector, Survey123, Operations Dashboard, Insights, ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro, the NRO develops custom data collection, management, and analysis solutions for projects such as incipient weed detection, installation-wide surveys for federally listed plant species, and survey and monitoring populations of the endangered Hawaiian Goose. These solutions include strategies for complete and automated field-to-report workflows eliminating or minimizing the time needed for data entry, data quality assurance and control, data analysis, and generation of maps and figures. Data collected in the field are automatically synced with geodatabases designed to facilitate these workflows. Incorporation of these technologies provide significant cost and time savings from project implementation through completion, allowing the NRO to accomplish more of its important conservation goals with limited funds.