Beale Air Force Base is the new monarch butterfly hotspot with the help of CEMML biologist

For CEMML biologist Chadwick McCready, what started as an observation and a river bank restoration project, led to the discovery of 10 monarch breeding sites on Beale and the creation of a series of pollinator gardens to aid in the butterfly’s annual migration.

July 14, 2020

CEMML watershed management biologists conduct stream habitat survey at Fort McCoy

CEMML Watershed Management Biologists recently conducted a stream habitat survey at Fort McCoy in Wisconsin. Data collected in the survey will be used to determine how a culvert should be placed, whether stream restoration is necessary, and how well fish are surviving in the habitat.

May 21, 2020

CEMML Staff Earn USFWS Military Conservation Partner Award as part of Fort McCoy Natural Resources Team

The Fort McCoy Directorate of Public Works Environmental Division Natural Resources Branch, of which CEMML staff play an important role, was recently awarded the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Military Conservation Partner Award, which recognizes significant natural resources management achievements by military installations.

March 19, 2019

CEMML archaeologists unearthing human roots in Alaska

CEMML Archeologist Julie Esdale and her team have uncovered tools, weapons and the remains of bison, mammoth, elk and other large game at sites used over and over again for centuries by nomadic hunters in the region. The discovered sites are located on 1.6 million acres of land at Fort Wainwright, just southeast of Fairbanks.

September 15, 2017